Welcome to SOME Consulting FRANCE 欢迎来到搜秘法兰西咨询公司!
Project Display
We focus on innovative projects in the luxury and beauty and wellness industries.

Luxury goods Co-Branding
Cooperate with many large companies to promote industry development.

Beauty and health innovation
Startups focused on the beauty and wellness industries.
Cross-channel development
Over 15 years of b2b cross-channel business development experience.
Industry challenges
Comprehensively respond to various challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Showcase our collaborations across the luxury and beauty and wellness industries
Provide all-link cross-channel internationalized business solutions for growth in France, EUROPE.
Cooperation Inquiry
Please leave your e-mail information and we will contact you as soon as possible!
B2B Skincare Channel Specialist Luxury Retail Specialist
+33 (0)626 192 996
International e-commerce expert marketing expert Supply chain expert
CONNECT WITH US ON LINKEDIN Sofie@someconsultingfrance.com
+86 18516577740
+33 666 147 647
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